Cookie management

Upon Your First Visit to the Website:, a banner located at the bottom of the page informs you that data related to your navigation will be recorded in specific files called “cookies” or connection files.

To better inform you about their role, the constraints related to their acceptance or refusal, and the steps to follow to block their installation on your computer, Muter Loger presents its cookie management policy.


Cookies allow the collection of information regarding your visit to the website ( in order to adjust and better guide your navigation. Managed by the browser, connection files make it possible to precisely determine the services and information you are looking for based on the sections and pages you visit.

For optimal use of the website and its services, different types of cookies are used depending on their purposes:

  • Session cookies are mainly installed on merchant sites to save certain data entered upstream throughout the navigation sequence,
  • Functional cookies take into account navigation preferences (language, screen resolution, etc.), or manage information entered during previous navigation sessions (login credentials, subscribed services, entered data, etc.),
  • Analytical cookies allow the counting of Internet users while analyzing their behavior during the visit to the website in order to generate traffic statistics,
  • Third-party cookies are placed on the user’s browser by advertising agencies or website partners, as well as by social networks and video platforms linked to the site.

The data collected by connection files do not allow you to be personally identified; they are used solely for the proper functioning of the website and are never communicated by Muter Loger to other structures.


Depending on their nature and the type of data they collect, cookies used on the website require your consent for their use or, conversely, are exempt from it.

2.1. Functional Cookies

The National Commission for Computing and Liberties (CNIL) recommends exempting from consent collection those cookies necessary for the proper functioning of the website or intended solely to facilitate electronic communication.

This mainly concerns session ID cookies, multimedia session cookies, authentication cookies, load balancing session cookies, and cookies created to personalize your user interface.

2.2. Tracking Cookies

According to current legislation confirmed by the GDPR, all cookies allowing targeting or profiling require, before being sent to your browser: the collection of your consent, the possibility to object to their use, and the information that continued navigation implies consent to the placement of cookies on your device.

This concerns both audience measurement cookies (Analytics) and social sharing cookies (Facebook, etc.), which are therefore subject to the privacy policies of the publishers of these software applications.

2.2.1. Audience Measurement Cookies

Google Analytics cookies allow the establishment of statistics related to the use of the website:

They have been configured to collect data making the collection of your consent optional:

  • The cookies deposited are used solely to produce anonymous statistics; the IP address allowing geolocation is not more precise than the city level, with the last two octets of the IP address being deleted,
  • Cookies allowing your traceability and IP addresses are not retained beyond 13 months from the first visit.

Google Analytics’ privacy policy is available at the following address:

2.2.2. Data Sharing Cookies

Social sharing cookies (Facebook, etc.) are issued and managed by application publishers. Subject to your consent, these cookies allow the easy sharing of content published on the website: via dedicated application buttons.

The privacy policies of social networks are available on the following pages:

2.2.3. Video Platform Cookies

Cookies related to the viewing of videos on YouTube are issued and managed by the video platform publisher. Subject to your consent, these cookies are sent to the user’s browser when watching videos published on the website: and hosted on the platform.

YouTube’s privacy policy is available at the following address:


During your first visit to the website, a banner is displayed at the bottom of the page to allow you to accept or refuse cookies. This banner also includes mentions related to the purpose of sending cookies to your Internet browser.

You can also configure your Internet browser to be notified when cookies are about to be placed, with the option to accept or refuse them. Depending on the browser used, the configuration for cookie management (acceptance or refusal) differs.

Below are the addresses of the dedicated pages for each of the main browsers:

Note: Refusing cookies may prevent the personalization of your navigation on the website:, so it is important to configure your browser with full knowledge of the facts.


It is possible at any time to revoke your consent to third-party and analytical cookies.


To learn more about Muter Loger’s privacy policy: click here.