Professional mobility : expatriation

Expatriation is a big change in your life. We’d like to tell you more about expatriation and its advantages.
What is expatriation ?
Expatriation is living and working abroad for short or long periods. As a general rule, fluency in English is required, and positions call for a high level of expertise. For French expatriates, there are various statuses and employment contracts, which also have a specific tax regime. Consequently, expatriates must obtain the necessary residence permits, whether permanent or not.
What are the different statuses?
There are three possible situations :
- Expatriation contract: this involves signing a new employment contract with the company. This is a permanent contract, with a guarantee that the old contract will be reactivated in the event of your return or dismissal.
- Secondment abroad: this involves signing an amendment to the employment contract with the company. As a result, the employee generally retains all the benefits associated with his or her status as a French worker.
- Local contract: the employee loses all ties with the company of origin, and must sign a local employment contract. This status is often chosen by new French expatriates wishing to find a new job abroad.
What are the advantages of expatriation ?
These days, the advantages of expatriation are increasingly valued. Indeed, it often involves professional opportunities that will boost a career. It can also be an opportunity to negotiate your salary. Secondly, from a human point of view, it’s an adventure that makes you more open-minded, thanks to a new way of life and a new culture. Confronting the unknown isn’t always easy, especially for a family, but it helps strengthen bonds and build unforgettable memories. However, not all destinations are ideal for a family, so find out about the country in advance. Find out about its advantages and disadvantages, its legal framework, its economic, social and educational situation, its relations with neighboring countries, as well as its politics and cost of living.