Preparing your children for the move : practical advice for a smooth transition

Prepare a sus hijos para la mudanza

Moving house is often a major event in a family’s life, but for children it can be particularly unsettling. Leaving their home, their friends, their school and their daily routines can be particularly stressful. It’s essential to help your children make the transition as smoothly as possible. Whether you’re moving for professional, personal or family reasons, good preparation is the key to a successful move.

Before moving – How to prepare your children ?

  1. Talk about moving as early as possible

Announcing the move is a crucial step in helping your children adjust to this change. Don’t delay in telling them. Explain the reasons for the move to them, according to their age and ability to understand. Whether it’s a professional transfer or a simple change of home, it’s important to reassure them.

In order to reduce their fear of the unknown, show them photos of the future home or, if possible, take them on a tour of the neighborhood. This will make the move more concrete and less frightening. Visiting the future home with your children is also a great way to help them get used to the new environment.


  1. Involving children in the preparations

One of the best way to reduce moving anxiety is to involve your children in the preparations. Thus, let them get involved by giving them small, age-appropriate tasks, such as packing their toys or decorating their boxes. Consequently, this will make them part of the change and give them a sense of control. The more you involve them in the process, the more comfortable they’ll feel about the move.

It can also be helpful to adopt a playful approach, for example by playing moving games with boxes or reading children’s books on the subject of moving. This can help them better understand and accept what they’re going through. And don’t forget to give them an address book where they can write down their friends’ contact details, so they can keep in touch after the move.


  1. Managing children’s stress before the move

Moving is often perceived as a loss for children: loss of landmarks, routine, friends and familiar surroundings. Therefore, pay close attention to their emotions, and take the time to discuss them with them. Younger children may express their anxiety through regressive behavior or sleep disturbances. Older children, on the other hand, may express their stress more subtly, through sadness or irritability.

Communicating with children about the move is essential to minimize the emotional impact of this change. Listen to their fears and reassure them that they will keep in touch with their old friends, while meeting new people in their new surroundings.


After the move – How to make the adjustment easier?

  1. Keeping up a familiar routine

After the move, it’s essential to re-establish a routine so that your children find familiar landmarks. As soon as possible, give priority to reinstalling their rooms, with their favorite objects and toys. This will help them feel at home in their new surroundings. Re-establishing a routine after the move helps children feel secure again.

Keep the same mealtimes, bath times and bedtimes. This way, even in a new environment, these little routines will give them a sense of continuity.


  1. Encouraging socialization in the new neighborhood

One of the biggest challenges for children after a move is making new friends. Encouraging them to take part in extracurricular activities or sports in their new neighborhood will help them integrate more easily. Organize outings with other families or neighbors so they can bond. Creating a new circle of friends can turn the experience of moving into a more positive adventure.

Muter Loger can also help you find schools and extra-curricular activities, making it easier for your children to adapt to their new environment.


  1. Keeping in touch with post-move emotions

Even after the move, it’s important to continue listening to your children’s emotions. Their behavior may change over the weeks, and they’ll need your support to adapt. Watch out for signs of discomfort, such as sleep disturbances, unexplained crying or difficulty concentrating at school. These signs may indicate that your child is still having difficulty adjusting to the new environment.

Remind them that it’s normal to feel sad or homesick, but that they will gradually adapt and discover new friends and activities.


Muter Loger support for a smooth move

At Muter Loger, we know that moving with children requires special attention. We offer comprehensive family support solutions to help you every step of the way. This includes not only logistical support for the move, but also specific services to help your children settle into their new surroundings: finding schools, registering for extra-curricular activities, and personalized support to ensure that the whole family experiences this transition smoothly.

Opt for Muter Loger’s expertise for a serene and organized move, where every member of the family, including the youngest, will feel supported.


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