Organize your international move

Organizando una mudanza internacional con cajas empacadas y documentos de viaje

You are transferred ? You want to change your air and move abroad? Muter Loger supports you in your international move project.

Plan the logistics of your move

As with any move, we advise you to sort, but especially for an international departure. Choose your move as soon as possible and anticipate the date of it to get competitive prices. We also advise you to prefer a date outside the summer season, holidays, weekends and school holidays, because these are very popular periods that may increase rates.


Complete the various administrative procedures

  • Some countries apply for a residence visa, a residence permit and work permit if necessary. Find out about the legal aspects of your country of arrival and check the expiry date on your ID card and passport.
  • As far as your health insurance is concerned, you should inform your social security fund and your health supplement of your move abroad.
  • Find out about your tax rights and obligations in your host country.
  • Notify your bank and any credit institution that can help you with the formalities. Also consider notifying your expatriation insurance to adapt the contracts, then possibly consider taking out a repatriation insurance contract.
  • Finally, consider terminating your domestic contracts related to your home (energy contracts, internet provider etc.)



We advise you to call on a professional company that will be able to support you in this change of life and lighten the organizational weight that represents a move abroad.

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To go further : Our tips for preparing your moving boxes